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PostHeaderIcon Sudoku 10, a new kind of game!

About two years ago I came up with the idea of combining 10 different sudoku puzzles into one gigantic game where the individual puzzles were all dependent on each other. 810 digits with a designated position in a table with 729 cells! :-) The game board I did design protect at the Swedish Patent and Registration Office. But then... Not much happened... A few games were sold here, and a few games were sold there. But I didn't make much with it. Mainly this was because I didn't have the time to market it, or at least that was what I convinced myself of.. This despite those getting to test the game having loved it.

I guess I imagined there being too much work getting it public. :-)

Now however, this new kind of sudoku game*, which I simply called "Sudoku 10", is available globally on sale through Amazon.com! The book contains 36 sudoku 10 games, that is 360 sudoku games combined in groups of 10!

This is one project that I have finally stopped procrastinating!


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