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My name is Dennis Rudin and I am a currently 36 years old citizen of a Scandinavian country named Sweden. Not that being Swedish matter much in the context though.. With internet shrinking the world more and more, at least our thoughts are, once published, global.

This is a quite interresting fact to imagine. Once I put this post on my page it can instantly be read from Tokyo (in Japan) to Madrid (in Spain); from Sydney (in Australia) and back to Stockholm, Sweden, where I sit down for a moment, on the commute train, and type my first blog entry on my mobile phone. A little device which not so many years ago was used mainly to, you guessed it: make calls! Today I use my phone for many things; making calls probably being the least frequent.

The world is shrinking and my thoughs are now a global possession.

This is a quite scary fact if you think about it. Once my post is out there, and cought by search engines, it is eternal.. (Well as long as it is interresting from a search index point of view, of course.) ..so I better not change opinions and values! *smile* Well, to be honest I am not worried about this fact as changing opinions are part of my personal growth (as of everyone elses), and further more it could be nice finding out some years from now what thoughts and ideas ran through my mind today. I still find some music I put on Mp3.com some 10 years ago when giving my name a go through the engines of Google, Yahoo or Altavista. ;-)

On this blog I will post progress made in my sparetime business "Pensegi", personal thoughts, share things I have learned and recommend books and other stuff I have found useful as well as other hopefully interresting things I find and find out. And with this it is "over and out" for today! Back for more tomorrow.


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