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PostHeaderIcon Productivity tip #2

Often when I come up with an idea or the solution to a problem, it is not while sitting at the desk but just when I am about to fall asleep at night or in the queue at the super market. I bet it is the same with you! We gather information about the things we are about to do while at the work space, but then as we relax and take a break, our minds continue to work on this information unconsiously. Suddenly we get that "eureka" feeling and it just seems so obvious to us.

In order to make the most of your ideas it is a good idea to have a notebook available at all time. A small notebook will most often do, and it would also be easier to fit into your pocket or purse. (Always keep a pen as well if it is paper based. ;-) )

Use this book (or which ever note taking device you prefer) to type down your ideas, thoughts, upcomming blog posts, quick drawing etc. to keep them fresh in mind when you have the possibility to act upon them.

A good thing about typing it down, you see, is that you can stop thinking about it consiously until you have the material needed available. This means that you get some extra time, otherwise spent on trying to remember the ideas. Spend this time on something else instead. Look at the surroundings, find more inspiration and type down more ideas. I used to make quick notes on post-it notes and spare paper originally, but they had a tendency to disappear. *smile* Using a book however, the notes are easily found again.

Another good thing about taking notes is that even if you don't know what to do with it now, there is a chance that you can use it later.

I myself have some projects that came to life this way. I was working on a strategical board game some years ago, so I had written down all the rules that would be fun to incorporate into the game. Once I was done taking notes and had built a prototype to try it out, I noticed that it was much easier to learn the game, yet still I thought it was fun, by removing some rules. I didn't remove the rules completely though. Just from the context. Later on I was looking through my notes for some ideas and realized that one of the rules that I had removed could actually be a complete game in itself! A game that I actually now enjoy a lot and which practically needs no space for storage. This means that I can carry it with me in a small bag out of fabric where ever I go. ;-)

Neither of these two games are available in the market yet, but they will eventually!


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