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PostHeaderIcon Pensegi - the word, the name, the meaning

One thing that I like doing is to think. An obvious fact perhaps, considering the subtitle of my blog.. You see, I am a firm beleiver in that we can all benefit from thinking more. By challenging our minds and allowing ourselves to be creative, alert and introspective, I think that we can improve our lives both now, in the current moment, as well as in the future as we grow older by staying mentally fit.

When I started my business I needed a name that would suit this core belief, and at the same time be a reflection of me, as well as my products.

I personally think a lot (and at times a bit too much *smile*), and my products which are primarily logic puzzles and games, and occationally a book, do have a purpose of making you think as well. This was why I did chose the name "Pensegi".

Pensegi is a word taken from a constructed (some say artificial) language called Esperanto. It means to think a lot, or to think deeply. And that pretty much sums it up! I like it, and to further make a point I usually add the Pensegi credo: Think more, exceed yourself.


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